Grant desk and portfolio management
Allowing you to focus on your core activities
Optimal income from your grant portfolio with an in-house grant desk
Do you have a large number of ongoing grant projects, but would rather focus on innovation and your organisation? With ffiqs’ in-house grant desk, you can leave the administrative and financial management of your grant portfolio to us. This allows you to focus on your core activities.

What is an in-house grant desk and portfolio management?
With the in-house grant desk, ffiqs offers your organisation in-house support in the financial management of your grant portfolio in order to optimise the actual grant income. We do this by:
organising a grant desk within your organisation;
seconding specialised grant management consultants who operate flexibly;
offering scalable expertise and capacity without increasing the number of FTEs and/or fixed costs for you as a client;
complying with all the legal, administrative, and reporting requirements of the grant authorities.

Complex grant administration
The more projects and grants you have, the more you have to take into account the different obligations around each grant scheme and the associated risks. It is only logical, therefore, that the need for expertise and capacity in financial project management grows. Do you have many grants and do you, for example, successfully participate in EU projects? Or have you been successful in acquiring large sums of grant funds? Then you often have to deal with a complex grant administration. ffiqs helps large organisations to set up an in-house grant desk and to organise their portfolio management. This way, we ensure that you comply with all the legal, administrative, and reporting requirements.
Are you curious to know more about what we can do for you? Get in touch with us!
Would you like to know more about our in-house grant desk and portfolio management services? We are always happy to discuss how we can support you in the best possible way. You will receive a response from us within 1 working day.